WhatsApp Image 2019-03-27 at 12.45.17

When the world “stopped moving” for a while

During 2020 the world was hit by the COVID-19 virus; for the first time, the gates of Ramat Hanadiv remained closed to vehicles for an entire month (March 2020).

Nevertheless, during the lockdown Ramat Hanadiv continued to be a refuge for nearby residents who were permitted, according to the restrictions, to enjoy nature and the beautiful, tranquil landscape at a time plagued by global stress and uncertainty. As a natural, open landscape, Ramat Hanadiv was a natural anchor that attracted many residents as soon as the lockdowns were declared. People who were locked up at home looked for a bit of nearby nature and came to visit daily. The visitor load during the day was recorded at all the pedestrian entrances to the Nature Park. The number of visitors (who were counted automatically at the entrance gates) almost doubled that of a regular year.

The wild animals, who were probably unaware of the “crazy pandemic”, continued to conduct their daily lives, and the staff of the Nature Park continued to ensure their needs were met even during lockdown periods.


A lesson in nature

It seems that the value of learning outside the classroom increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus empowering the “Learning in Nature” programme, which was launched at Ramat Hanadiv prior to COVID-19 and increased in value and uniqueness during the COVID-19 period.

Events, workshops and lectures

These continued to take place in variable formats and in accordance with the state of the pandemic and consequent restrictions. For example, concerts took place, allowing people to enjoy culture in the open air at a time when all the concert halls were closed. Lectures on nature, sustainability and environment took place on Zoom and art workshops with local artists took place out of a desire to strengthen the local economy during this challenging time.

Let’s not forget about the research 🙂

A new study on strengthening the nature experience for visitors to Ramat Hanadiv has been launched. The study seeks to examine the value and experience gained by visitors from the connection to nature and to strengthen the long-term natural connection between humans and the environment.

Of further interest...


An accessible trail through the Nature Park

In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.

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Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening is defined as gardening that considers the needs of the current generation without harming the needs of future generations. It includes garden design that considers the existing elements on site – the landscape, soil, environment and vegetation suitable for the region

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Dining Here


To complete your Ramat Hanadiv experience, you are cordially invited to enjoy the culinary pleasures of Mata’im, the cafe-restaurant on our premises.

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