
As part of a management approach that applies an ecological worldview and uses advanced management tools, we decided to examine goat grazing as a tool to reduce shrub density in the park in order to facilitate fire prevention and increase habitat diversity in the park. To this end, a goat pen was established at Ramat Hanadiv in 2002. Initially, 12 goats were purchased and a study was conducted to examine methods for determining the amount of vegetation and species of plants eaten by the goats. Later on, 36 additional goats from three different breeds were purchased and we examined which breed was the most effective for park management. Once the herd grew, we developed a formal grazing plan for the park, accompanied by monitoring and research to assess the effectiveness of this management tool.
The herd grazes in the nature park throughout the year, helps protect it from fire, enriches its biological and landscape diversity, and is accompanied by ongoing research activity.
In 2012 we decided to integrate another breed (Alpine) in order to increase milk production by crossing this Alpine breed (originating in France) with the local breeds.

עז דמשקאית

To this end we established a milking facility in the goat pen at Ramat Hanadiv, and began collaborating with the Volcani Center within the framework of a joint initiative. As part of this initiative, many studies were conducted during the years 2012–2018, led by Dr. Tzach Glasser from Ramat Hanadiv. A study that examined the effect of the nutrition of goats grazing in the Ramat Hanadiv woodlands on the quality of the milk they produce, conducted by Dr. Yan Landau from the Volcani Center, found that the milk produced by goats grazing at Ramat Hanadiv has significantly higher nutritional value than milk produced by goats fed in the goat pen, who are the main source of the milk that we purchase in the supermarket. Furthermore, it was found that this milk meets the required criteria to be considered a ‘super food’.

The milk from the herd at Ramat Hanadiv is sold to dairies in the region.

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Dining Here


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