
Behind the Scenes with Wildlife

Slowly, slowly, after the visitors leave, the residents of the Nature Park leave their hiding places and begin to move around freely. Towards evening, the world of wildlife in the Nature Park comes alive. Badgers, gazelles, porcupines, wild boar and jackals set out on their night activities.

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How do we know this?

Automatic cameras have been installed throughout the Nature Park to monitor wildlife activity. The cameras’ lenses are able to catch amusing and surprising moments that are usually hidden from visitors’ eyes: young boar having a slumber party, devious porcupines sneaking into the Gardens in search of tasty delicacies, gazelles and roe deer crossing the fence, and more.

And how can you enjoy this rich world?

Just for you we are running a unique website – “Story Map” – that presents the world of wildlife at Ramat Hanadiv through the eye of the camera. On this website you can find information, photos, and the latest videos of the world of wildlife living in the Nature Park.

Watch the story of the wildlife at Ramat Hanadiv (in Hebrew only, for the moment)

Of further interest...


An accessible trail through the Nature Park

In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.

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Horticultural Therapy at Ramat Hanadiv

Many studies have demonstrated the link between a green environment, nature or flowering gardens and feelings of calmness and serenity, enjoyment and vitality

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Dining Here


Refresh yourself at the Kiosk with a drink or snack. The kiosk is open daily.

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