The Baron In Eretz Israel: Five Visits During His Lifetime
The Baron In Eretz Israel: Five Visits During His Lifetime
The Baron’s first visit to Eretz Israel took place five years after he became engaged in the settlement enterprise. He arrived anonymously on 2 April 1887, sailing with his wife from France to Alexandria, Egypt, where they left their private yacht and boarded the Austrian ship The Lloyd, arriving in Jaffa like ordinary passengers.

The Start of the Baron’s Activities in Eretz Israel
The Start of the Baron’s Activities in Eretz Israel
At the end of 1882, Baron Edmond de Rothschild met in Paris Rabbi Shmuel Mohliver, among the first members of the Hibbat Zion movement. Together with Yechiel Brill, the editor/publisher of the Hebrew newspaper Halevanon, Mohliver had developed a plan to set up an agricultural colony in Eretz Israel
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