The Story of Ramat Hanadiv
Ramat Hanadiv’s story begins with one man and his grand dream: Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His efforts to encourage and facilitate life in Eretz Israel at the start of modern Jewish settlement were driven by his vision, values, and passion. To this day, Ramat Hanadiv carries on the work to ensure a healthy place to live, which balances the needs of humankind, nature and the environment.
Inspired by the Baron’s legacy, we strive to be a living memorial to his extraordinary achievements, to provide a unique experience for those visiting the gardens and nature, and to serve as a dynamic hub for research and innovation.
We invite you to stroll among the pages of Ramat Hanadiv’s history and to discover how, as the years passed, it was transformed from a memorial site to the Baron to a living, developing organization dedicated to the environment and to instilling the values of sustainability in the general public and, in particular, the communities of the region.