
Remote sensing in the garden's service

Estimating tree condition in Ramat Hanadiv Garden was conducted with an aerial photo. The imaging included a multispectral image (RGB+NIR) and a 3D model of the garden. Data on tree types and location was provided by the garden staff.


The condition of each tree was estimated using the NDVI index (Natural Deviation Vegetation Index), which is a well-tested index for estimating tree condition and has a high correlation with chlorophyl levels in the leaves.

For each tree we examined the NDVI values for the center of the canopy. For each tree species we examined the distribution of the NDVI values and categorized the into three categories: Average – trees with NDVI values within 1 standard deviation from the specie average; High – trees with NDVI values higher than 1 standard deviation from the specie average; Low – trees with NDVI values lower than 1 standard deviation from the specie average.

The garden area was divided into 25 sections according to the irrigation scheme of the garden. For each section we examined the percentage of Low trees within the section and determined the status of the section.

n 2021 the Low valued sections were in the southern part of the garden and the parking area. Comparison to a similar examination conducted in 2016 showed that tree condition in the northern sections of the garden improved while in the southern sections the deteriorated or stayed stable. Causes for the decline in the southern parts can be related mostly to water conditions. Many of the Low trees were in the parking area where the impermeable pavement prohibits infiltration of rainwater into the root zone. Problems with the irrigation system such as wildlife nibling of the waterpipes, or calcification of the pipes causes irregularity in water quantities reaching the trees. Another cause for Low tree condition is Nitrogen availability. Soil testing conducted by the garden staff showed that it was well below the recommended levels and may also cause deterioration of the trees.

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