Behind the scenes of nature
Since this is an independent trail, each station has an explanatory sign about a short activity. For example, the wellbeing station offers a short breathing exercise; the station on wonder and amazement about nature invites visitors to a sensory experience, and another station offers visitors to go for a quiet walk. There is also a trail library (Soulane Books), that encourages inspiration through children’s and adults’ books on this topic. Other stains give something to think about or encourage introspection, while others encourage play – through outside games from the olden days or wooden blocks on an iron ‘tree trunk’ that must be spun to choose the values that provide a personal support system during hard times. We must always remember that there is no single correct answer to the question ‘What in nature does me good?’; the stations do not try to give absolute answers, but rather offer a range of possible answers.
‘Before installing the signs we ran a visitor survey and another one was run after opening the trail’, another stage mentioned by Sheffer in the work process on the trail.