If you follow the path leading to the north-east part of the garden, which overlooks Zikhron Ya’akov, you will be welcomed by a flowering rose garden rich in fragrance and color.
This garden was designed in the French style: it includes different rose varieties, planted in a symmetrical pattern, with meticulous hedges separating the flower beds from the stone paths.
Among the rose varieties planted in the garden, the deep red fragrant rose named after the Baron Benjamin (Edward) de Rothschild is prominent. Six water fountains – five small and one large – are arranged around the garden in a symmetrical pattern. They represent the family’s founder, the grandfather of the Famous Benefactor, and his five sons.
At the far end of the garden, near the stone pergola, stands a sculpture of a bent-over woman holding a sundial. This sculpture symbolizes eternity. The figure sculpted in stone gazes into space, cut off from time, and holds a sundial, with the unceasing movement of the shadow cast upon its dial.