
Vertigo – 2024 Premiere


Tickets are Sold Out!

The legendary dance troupe “Vertigo” is coming for a magical evening of dance, music and improvisation in the heart of the gardens!

Ramat Hanadiv is proud to present the premiere of the Vertigo dance troupe in a new creation that is a unique collaboration between the dance troupe and a musical ensemble managed by Itamar Duari, creating a one-time show that moves between patterns and structured dance and free, improvised creation.

The creation comprises free, improvised segments and invites the audience to get a glimpse of the space from which the inspiration flows.

The Vertigo dance troupe creates modern art with a strong social, community touch that aims to bring people together through body language above and beyond the boundaries of dance; movement that seeks to arouse artistic, environmental inspiration and encourage involvement out of a feeling of responsibility.

Musicians: Itamar Duari, Ma’ayan Linik, Ofir Viflich and Daniel Ivrin

Choreography: Noa Wertheim, Rina Wertheim Koren

The show will take place on Wednesday, 25/6 & 26.6, at 6:30 pm


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In a reality in which the familiar order is unravelled again and again, this creation also seeks to disrupt the order, to leave open, unknown areas that take shape before the audience

  • The show will take place in the amphitheatre in the gardens; seating is on chairs or bar chairs – there are no marked seats
  • The show begins at 6:30 pm and lasts about an hour
  • At this event we offer you a festive and particularly tasty stall by Basher Fromagerie – a boutique cheese delicatessen chain, which will offer cheese rolls, a rich assortment of delicacies and more
  • Please note – the number of places is limited! Please book in advance
  • Ticket prices
    • Early ticket sales at a discount price until 5/6/24 – 150 NIS
    • After this date, the full price – 170 NIS (if any tickets remain 🙂)
  • For questions and further information: 04-6298111 #4
  • For accessibility inquiries: please contact Gali 04-6298136

Cancellation Policy

  • The purchaser is entitled to cancel a transaction in writing, providing the order number and his or her full name, up to 4 days before the event, by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]
  • The purchaser may be charged a cancellation fee by the credit card company, in accordance with company regulations.
  • Cancellations within 4 days of the event will be charged the full fee.

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