Guided Tours of the Gardens
Every Tuesday and Saturday we offer our visitors guided tours of about 45 minutes in length, free of charge, with no need for advance booking.
For details of events >>The Garden’s Secret – A Game in the Garden Space
We invite you to enjoy a hands-on, enriching game for the entire family, near green spaces, in the open air.
“The Secret of the Gardens” – a game with cryptographs, complex codes, secret telephone numbers and more… in the open air!
For details of events >>Pilates in a Natural Studio
Ramat Hanadiv invites you to a natural studio, where you can take a break from your daily routine and kick-start your weekend in a different atmosphere.
On a background of natural lighting, on the pleasant expansive lawns, give yourself an hour off and start breathing again.
For details of events >>Tai Chi in the Gardens – Time for a Time‑out!
In a rut? No time to breathe? There’s a remedy: Extract yourself from the daily grind and be transported to a totally different space just a few minutes away from home — at a Tai Chi class in the beautiful green heart of Ramat Hanadiv.
Time to Make a Masterpiece!
When sunlight falls on the palm trees in the Garden at different times of day, when the colorful roses are blooming in full force, when clouds waft over the Gardens in a multitude of formations…this is the time and the place to reveal the artist inside you.
For details of events >>Are you ready to be professional forest detectives?
If you love nature, join a forest detective for a special training session and discover the secrets of the nearby forest.
A creative and surprising experiential encounter in nature, this is an opportunity for the whole family to take part and move things forward until the puzzle is solved.
Any question? We will be glad to help
Of further interest...
An accessible trail through the Nature Park
In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.
Horticultural Therapy at Ramat Hanadiv
Many studies have demonstrated the link between a green environment, nature or flowering gardens and feelings of calmness and serenity, enjoyment and vitality
Dining Here
Dining-The Picnic Site
The picnic area is located near the secondary parking lot. You are welcome to spend time there before or after your tour of the Gardens.