
A Rhythmic Experience

סדנת תיפוף

The drumming circle is the epitomize of learning-through-doing. In one exciting session, you will have the opportunity to try out various percussion instruments, beat African Djembe drums, and learn basic rhythm by playing a series of rhythm games.

The activity lasts about one hour.
Cost: NIS 1900. Suitable for groups of 40 or less.

For further information, please contact tel. 04-629-8176
or by: E-mail

Please note

Entry to the gardens and nature park is free of charge.
Parking fees apply:
Bus/minibus – 60 NIS per day.
Please book your visit in advance through this link>>

Of further interest...


Memorial Gardens Main Entrance

The main entrance to the Memorial Gardens – located next to the Visitors Pavilion. In the entrance plaza are temporary exhibitions on a range of subjects promoted by Ramat Hanadiv

For further information >>


Horticultural Therapy at Ramat Hanadiv

Many studies have demonstrated the link between a green environment, nature or flowering gardens and feelings of calmness and serenity, enjoyment and vitality

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Dining Here


Refresh yourself at the Kiosk with a drink or snack. The kiosk is open daily.

For further information >>