
Lamplight Tour

An evening tour of Ramat Hanadiv’s enchanted gardens by lamplight –
a memorable experience that few have been privileged to enjoy


An evening tour of Ramat Hanadiv’s enchanted gardens by lamplight, surrounded by the sweet sounds of music ‒ a memorable experience that few have been privileged to enjoy. Illuminated by the stars overhead and the gentle glow of lanterns, our Lamplight Tours concentrate on the senses ‒ scent, sound, sight and touch ‒ and bring to life the Jewish pioneers  and their settlements in the area, along with the ecological concerns of today’s environmental pioneers at Ramat Hanadiv.

The tour lasts  an hour and a half.
Suitable for groups up to 30 or less.
NIS 1400

For further information, please contact tel. 04-629-8176
or by: E-mail

Please note

Entry to the gardens and nature park is free of charge.
Parking fees apply:
Bus/minibus – 60 NIS per day.
Please book your visit in advance through this link>>

Of further interest...


An accessible trail through the Nature Park

In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.

For further information >>


Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening is defined as gardening that considers the needs of the current generation without harming the needs of future generations. It includes garden design that considers the existing elements on site – the landscape, soil, environment and vegetation suitable for the region

For further information >>

Dining Here

Dining-The Picnic Site

The picnic area is located near the secondary parking lot. You are welcome to spend time there before or after your tour of the Gardens.

For further information >>