
Volunteering Community


Volunteers at Ramat Hanadiv are an important link to the community. They serve as ambassadors of the site, its content, and its values. Ramat Hanadiv launched its volunteering division in 2009; currently we have about 80 volunteers who are active in the different spheres of activity at Ramat Hanadiv.

Most of our volunteers are local retirees; they come to Ramat Hanadiv weekly, give of their time, and talents, and find a “home” here. Volunteering offers them activity and socialisation, professional training and enrichment, suitable physical activity, time in nature, and a feeling of vitality and meaning. Moreover, the dedicated help of our volunteers allows us to expand our activities and work.

Our volunteers work in a range of different activities: horticulture, the nursery, the trails of the Nature Park, and the goat pen; they also work with wildlife, assist research, and guide our visitors on tours of the Memorial Gardens.


The beauty and inspiration experienced by our visitors exist due to the dedicated help of our volunteers


Spheres of Activity for Volunteers:

  • Gardening and horticulture – 3 volunteering days per week are dedicated to gardening groups. The volunteers join our gardening staff in the planting, care, and upkeep of the plants in the gardens.
  • Nursery – A team of volunteers who join the work of the nursery at Ramat Hanadiv: preparing cuttings, planting, sowing, preparing soil substrates, and anything else required to grow the seedlings that are transferred to the gardens.
  • Rangers in the Nature Park – pairs of volunteers who patrol the trails of the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv. The volunteers report on hazards and are part of our Nature Park ranger staff.
  • The goat pen – alongside the permanent staff of our goat pen, one or two volunteers come each day to help look after the goat pen and its animals, the goats and the sheep.
  • Working with wildlife – assisting work with wildlife according to current seasonal needs.
  • Research and knowledge – assisting researchers in the field, with literature, and in computing, according to the studies taking place at Ramat Hanadiv.
  • Hosting in the gardens – volunteers who meet our visitors at the entrance to the gardens and offer free guided tours of the gardens or on sustainability.

If these and more pique your interest, and if you’d like to try your hand at working in a fascinating, diverse environment full of activity – come and join our volunteer community at Ramat Hanadiv.

As volunteers, you’ll receive training tailored to unique, meaningful work, and you’ll experience giving, whether individual or shared, in the connection to nature, man and the land.

At Ramat Hanadiv, in both the Memorial Gardens and the Nature Park, interactions take place between man and the environment in a harmonious, sustainable way, for the public and its wellbeing.

The beauty and inspiration experienced by our visitors exist due to the dedicated help of our volunteers.
For more information, you can contact Hila Alter, the volunteer coordinator, at the email address: [email protected] Or fill out the application form for volunteering and Hila will get back to you: Registration form for volunteering at Ramat Hanadiv



Of further interest...


An accessible trail through the Nature Park

In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.

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Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening is defined as gardening that considers the needs of the current generation without harming the needs of future generations. It includes garden design that considers the existing elements on site – the landscape, soil, environment and vegetation suitable for the region

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Dining Here


To complete your Ramat Hanadiv experience, you are cordially invited to enjoy the culinary pleasures of Mata’im, the cafe-restaurant on our premises.

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