
Ramat Hanadiv | Cumulative Data for this Year



210,730 Visitors This Year
5,918 Visitors This Month

This number represents the number of people who came to Ramat Hanadiv to enjoy the pleasant, tranquil ambiance of the Memorial Gardens and the Nature Park. A beautiful fusion of restrained, European-style design and Mediterranean plants, the gardens reflect Baron Edmond de Rothschild’s legacy of respect and humility.


mm Precipitation

842 Precipitation This Season

Precipitation Data Measured at Ramat Hanadiv – A precipitation measurement station is located at Ramat Hanadiv, and the data is updated throughout the winter.


Liters of Goat Milk produced

52,195 Milk Produced This Year
3,249 Milk This Month (Liters)

Since the goats at Ramat Hanadiv graze naturally (without any hormonal additives), they stop producing milk during the winter months about two months before the birthing season and are in a state of rest. When the kids are born, they are left with their mothers for about two months so they can nurse freely until they’re weaned.



Film viewers

25,045 Film viewers this year
1,515 Film viewers this month

The 15-minute film, Beyond the Gardens, tells the intertwined stories of the Rothschild family and Ramat Hanadiv. Screenings take place every half hour in the Visitors Pavilion. Though there is no admission fee, groups are requested to coordinate their visit in advance

Group/Film Booking Form>>

Website users

88,444 Users this year
5,453 Users this Month

The numbers represent the total number of people who visited Ramat Hanadiv’s internet site, engaging in at least one activity there. It includes both first-time and returning users. (The data is supplied by Google Analytics.)


kWh Solar Energy produced

80,246 Energy Produced This Year
1,457 Energy Last Month

Solar energy derived from the sun is an innovative, alternative source of clean energy.  Israel has many annual days of sunshine, making it possible to produce solar energy most of the year via photo-voltaic panels. Ramat Hanadiv’s solar panels stand on the roof of a building in the service area, and a separate, exterior screen provides real-time information about the system’s output.


Facebook 'likes'

13,380 Facebook Friends

The number of “likes” reflects, more or less, the number of fans Ramat Hanadiv has on its Facebook page.


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Births in the goat shed

160 Young goats this year
20 Early-season Lambs

Goats and sheep are seasonal animals. The mating season begins when the summer days begin to shorten. A goat’s pregnancy lasts about 145 days and a sheep’s pregnancy 147 days on average. They give birth between late winter and early spring (January–March). Most of them give birth to twins and sometimes triplets. Kids and lambs are born weighing about 3 kg and begin to walk just a few minutes after being born. Within a few hours after birth, they begin to suckle from their mothers.


spring flow

Monitoring the Ein Zur Spring (cubic metres)

135 Maximum discharge this year (cubic metres)
135 Maximum discharge last year (cubic metres)

Ein Zur is the only spring at Ramat Hanadiv, serving as an important source of water for the wildlife at the Nature Park. Since climate change is expected to affect and reduce the availability of water, here at Ramat Hanadive we conduct routine weekly monitoring of the discharge of the spring (the water amount exiting the spring per unit time) as part of the long-term ecological monitoring programme at Ramat Hanadiv.

Of further interest...


Physically Disabled in the Gardens

Many trails traverse the Memorial Gardens. We recommend this route, but you
can choose to walk another route.

For further information >>


Establishment of the Partnership for Regional Sustainability

In 2015, Ramat Hanadiv established the Partnership for Regional Sustainability, aiming to combine forces for the quality of life in the region.

For further information >>

Dining Here

Dining-The Picnic Site

The picnic area is located near the secondary parking lot. You are welcome to spend time there before or after your tour of the Gardens.

For further information >>