
Visitor behavior at Ramat Hanadiv

Yair Greenberg and Prof. Noam Shoval

A unique study was conducted recently  at Ramat Hanadiv Memorial Gardens and Nature Park, with collaboration between the research division, the public and Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, and the Department of Geography at the Mt. Scopus campus of The Hebrew University.

מחקר מבקרים לאתר החדש

General background:

The main aims of this study were to examine, identify and characterize the activity patterns of visitors at Ramat Hanadiv and their perceptions and preferences regarding landscape components, according to personal, spatial and temporal characteristics.
Among other questions, we wanted to know who comes to Ramat Hanadiv, for how long, and for what purpose; from where do the visitors enter and how do they make use of the space; what did they like and what did they find lacking; did their visit contribute to their awareness of the values of Ramat Hanadiv – sustainability, nature conservation, environmental quality and the legacy of the Baron and more.
Sampling the visitation patterns of the participants was done using GPS loggers that were distributed among the participants at the beginning of their visit, as well as by gathering information about the visitors via questionnaires.


Another sampling method that was used on several of the sampling days was the use of a SensoMeter – a research tool that by means of a designated application for smart phones enables presentation of location-based questionnaires to the visitors during the course of their visit in order to characterize momentary feelings. Sampling was conducted at the three main points of entrance to Ramat Hanadiv – Hashita Street in Zikhron Ya’akov, behind ORT School in Binyamina and at the main entrance to Ramat Hanadiv.
Four hundred and seven visitors participated in the study, most of whom were sampled at the main entrance, with a minority at the secondary entrances to the park. For 343 participants, sufficient information from the questionnaires and spatial data was obtained to enable data analysis.
The average participant was educated, had an above-average income, had some kind of previous acquaintance with the park and the aim of their visit was hiking.

It was also found, for example, that the general level of satisfaction and the level of satisfaction from both the facilities and the level of service are very high.
The visitors emphasized that the sensory effect made a unique contribution to their visit, but also the level of service, and there is also evidence to link between these factors.
It is also possible to link between the level of satisfaction and visitation patterns, since the most satisfied visitors tend to have longer visits, covering larger areas of the Nature Park, while focusing on the Memorial Gardens and the western part of the park.
The database that was created provides management insights and operative conclusions for the benefit of improving service to the visitor, guiding management practices and planning and enriching the visitor experience.


The intensity of activity at Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park according to access points (from right to left) – main entrance, Hashita Street, ORT Binyamina.

Color indicates the percent of visitors who visited a cell, from the total number of participants in that category. Height indicates the average length of time per participant, in seconds.

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